Volume-1 Issue-1, March 2021
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Volume-1 Issue-1, March 2021, ISSN: 2582-8843 (Online)
Published By: Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Vehicle Tracking and Accident Reporting System
B Kedarnath1, B Ramanuja Charya2, Y V Avinash3
Graphical Based Authentication System by Picture-Based Passwords
Sarhad Baez Hasan
Salient Object Detection on Matrix Disintegration using Convolutional Neural Network
Hemraj Singh1, Maheep Singh2
The Potential of Noninvasive Micro-electromechanical Systems in Intraocular Pressure
Abhijith S.1, Kuruvilla John2, Jincy Francis3, Suby Baby4
The Revolutionary Potential of Noninvasive Micro-electromechanical Systems in Intraocular Pressure Management
Abhijith S.1, Kuruvilla John2, Jincy Francis3, Suby Baby4, Merin Philip5